18 Jan 2010

Vitamin D- Sunshine Vitamin

What is Vitamin D? Why is it so significant to my health?
Vitamin D is a matchless fat-soluble vitamin that is basic to the body's absorption of calcium. It has extended been founded that suitable levels of this vitamin are required for the production of strong bones, and new research shows that it may play a outstanding role in a host of other health concerns as well. Furthermore, D vitamin is matchless because it is the exclusively vitamin that the body can really produce. It is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" on account of exposure to the sun triggers the skin to produce it.
Lack of vitamin D influences the absorption of calcium in the intestines. It sources rickets in children, which results in deformities of the bone. In adults it factors osteomalacia, which enfeebles the muscles and bones, and osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a outstanding health concern and major source of suffering for us older people. It is estimated that one in two women and one out of every eight men over 50 years of age will have a fracture related to osteoporosis.
When calcium levels are low and your muscles and nerves are not receiving enough calcium considering that of low Vitamin D levels, your body steals it from your bones. Your bones then become porous and fragile. This does not happen overnight but over the course of your lifetime. The vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium, it effectively maintains sufficient calcium levels and prevents the weakening of bones.
Sunlight is highly significant in controlling the body's levels of this substance considering that only a few foods naturally contain amounts of it. The list of dietary sources includes fatty fish and fish oils, along with organ meats. Fortified foods, and fortified milk in particular, are the major dietary sources. One cup of fortified milk supplies about one-fourth of the estimated daily need for this vitamin for adults. However most milk-based dairy products made from milk such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are generally not fortified.
Vitamin D advantages may play a significant role in treating or even preventing a host of disorders, ranging from cardiovascular disease to a multiplicity of types of cancer to age-related depression.
This significant vitamin has other verified roles in human health, containing maintaining neuromuscular and immune functions. It has as well been indicated to be an effective agent in the reduction of inflammation.